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My First Born

Your twinkling eyes reflect the beauty the world has,Your innocent smiles made me fall in love once again,Your giggles gave moments to laugh, ...

My Triplets

My talking started with them when they were in my womb. It was really hard for me to push each day because I was a mama for triplets ...

9 Month Preparing To Fall In Love For A Lifetime

How fascinating is it to find out that you are pregnant! It gives a sort of feeling which is just unimaginable. It all started with the day when ...

My Baby Girl Taught Me The Importance Of Girls

I always wanted a boy as a second one too. Yes, You read it right.I wanted 2 sons. Not anything against daughters or girls. I love girls. I ...

The Secret of Orange Dress!!

This happened when my daughter Varsha was 3 years old. Usually, she is a talkative kid. By birth, she is an active kid and bold too. To this date, as ...

I Know I’m Not A Perfect Mom But I Will Never Give Up

When my daughter was born, she came with no instructions; it’s hard to understand a newborn when you are a first-time mom.People pilled lots and ...

Pregnancy Bonding With Unborn Baby

It is said that mommy and baby start bonding from the duration of the pregnancy period. Well, I experienced it so well, and I am forever grateful to ...

How To Raise A Happy Child

In today's world, where the margin between true happiness and virtual happiness has become very thin, raising a child who knows the ...
