User Posts: Sharmila Yellapu
You are not my first; that much is true; I loved another before loving you.**I am a different mother this time around; more calm and confident I have ...
Hello everyone,Today I was thinking what to write..and all of a sudden it strike me that every time I am writing in perspective of a mom,wife,daughter and ...
Your twinkling eyes reflect the beauty the world has,Your innocent smiles made me fall in love once again,Your giggles gave moments to laugh,Your ...
PostpartumSelf-love is a difficult thing to fully embrace. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I can't help but notice that my hips are wider ...
Nice one?
Nicely put…got two sons…so I am totally predicting my future..??
That was the sweetest. Thank you my dear…Priya?
Thank you Sushmita?
Thank you Abrar ?
Cheers to Motherhood ?
Thank you ☺️